Xnova XTS 4525-560kv 5+5YY Var.A

Artikelnummer: Xnova XTS 4525-560

Xnova XTS 4525-560

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Xnova XTS 4525-560kv 5+5YY 

Xnova brushless high performance outrunner motor designed for extrem 3D, 600-660mm bladesize helicopter where highest power to weight ratio is important. It is a extreme power plant specially developed for the new SAB-black-thunder Goblin 650 helicopter. The 560KV version is a superb choice for 2 blade and 3 blade setups.

Variante A

Slots & Poles 12n10p
Winding T YY with thick wire
rpm/V 560
Volt (V) 20 | 30 | 40
Io(A) 3.4 | 4.5 |5.6
Rm (mohm) 9 | 9| 9
Weight (without connector) (g) 480
Body Length (no shaft) mm 55.5
Diameter (mm) 55.7
Shaft Length (mm) (Details pictures) | 36|61
Shaft Dia. (mm) 6 | 8
Mounting Holes CTC Distance (mm) 30
Mounting Screw 4x07
Max Eff. Curr. 86.92 | 122.47 | 157.76 |
Max Eff. 92.18 | 92.65 | 92.90 |
Kt (Nm/A 0.0171
Km (Nm/sqrt(w)) 0.1797
Max Continuous Power(Watts) 5000
Peak Continuous Power(Watts) (5 sec) 10000 (2sec)
Max cont. current (A) 100
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